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Research funding, news and events for faculty and researchers


Research funding, news and events for faculty and researchers

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College News

Internal Funding Opportunities

The College has a portfolio of internal funding opportunities. The Research and Innovation Seed Program (SciRIS) awards seed funding for high impact collaborative proposals that build teams, pursue fundamental discoveries, and create societal impact. There are other internal funding opportunities in addition to the SciRIS awards. Deadlines 15 April, 15 October.

Innovation (Industry Partnership) Award

The College of Science Industry Partnership Award provides critical resources for projects that take a new direction, utilize a new technology or are in the “proof-of-concept” phase. Undergraduate & graduate students and faculty researchers can participate, with a preference given to graduate students and faculty who are developing new areas of research and/or establishing or augmenting research partnerships with external industrial partners. The Innovation award is made possible by funds from the College of Science Venture Fund.

Checklist for incoming researchers

This checklist is intended to assist incoming faculty in their preparations to initiate research-related activities at OSU. Please review all relevant areas below and contact the related units as appropriate. This checklist is for your reference and does not need to be returned to the Research Office or Environmental Health and Safety.

The Southern Regional Education Board Doctoral Scholar Program

The SREB Doctoral Scholar Program was established more than 20 years ago to increase the number of underrepresented scholars who earn the Ph.D. and to address the need for a more diverse college faculty. The SREB provides multiple layers of support, including, but not limited to financial assistance and research funding, but also career counseling, job postings and a scholar directory for networking and recruiting.

NASA Minority Serving Institutions Exchange

The MSI Exchange is a tool that supports your search for innovative and diverse academic collaborators by curating STEM offerings and capability statements of MSIs nationwide. The MSI Exchange can inform partnerships for teaming opportunities and competitive federal awards such as contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants.

Faculty Senate Awards

Deadlines range from April - June, but many limit the number of nominations per College, so check the dates of interest for internal deadlines. Note that the OSU Impact Award for Outstanding Scholarship has a limited submission. Our internal deadline is one month before The Senate's deadline. Contact us with questions.

Campus-wide cost share request form

College pre-award units across campus have teamed up and created a cost share template and request form.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming conferences, workshops, seminars, events or other funding related dates.

, Register Online
We want to highlight and celebrate you! Have you recently published on topics related to increasing access, success and belonging? Publications and other scholarly outputs collected will be shared at the reception and online. Submit your publications here by January 24, 2025.
, Kelley Engineering Center (KEC) 1001
OSU’s Clean Water Initiative and CEOAS Hydrogeology jointly invite you to an ignite-type session on Clean and Smart Water, encouraging everyone who is interested in the intersection of clean water, AI/ML, sensors, etc. to join us on Feb 17 at 4-6 PM. Sparked by conversations of harnessing water…
, Webinar
Join us to learn about the DOE 2025 DOE Office of Science Early Career Research Program which supports research for outstanding scientists early in their careers. The program will support over 80 early career researchers for five years at U.S. academic institutions, DOE national laboratories, and…
, Webinar
Facilitated by National Defense University’s Dr. Gwyneth Sutherlin, UC2 Director. The goal of the discussion is to build awareness within the academic community and the Department of Defense about the critical role multidisciplinary collaboration plays in driving innovation in cybersecurity…
, Webinar
MRSEC Program Director (PD) Dr. Serdar Öğüt will give a 40-minute presentation focusing on topics such as: a brief overview of the MRSEC program and its history, an overview of the competition timeline and process and key changes to the current solicitation that should be considered. Immediately…

Funding opportunities

You can also view a full, filterable list of funding opportunities for faculty, postdocs, and graduate students.

Defense Sciences Office (DOD)
The YFA program will provide high- impact funding to researchers early in their careers to develop innovative new research that enables transformative DoD capabilities. Ultimately, the YFA program is developing the next generation of researchers focused on national security issues.
National Science Foundation
This program program seeks to support research at the interface of innovative computational and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and new strategies/technologies in mathematical reasoning to automate knowledge discovery.
The Quantum Leap Challenge Institute (QLCI) program will fund Institutes comprised of multidisciplinary groups of scientists and engineers united by a common challenge theme for advancing the research frontiers in focus areas such as quantum networking, quantum computation, quantum simulation and/or quantum sensing.
National Science Foundation
This GCR solicitation targets multidisciplinary teams who are embracing convergence research as a means of developing highly innovative solutions to complex research problems. GCR proposals are expected to be bold and address scientific or technical challenges and bottlenecks which if resolved have the potential to transform scientific understanding and solve vexing problems.
Deadline: Accelerator: Generative AI Open Call is not an opportunity to support research proposals. We are looking for projects with clear visions and action plans that will be applied to impact a specific set of end beneficiaries.
Schmidt Sciences
[Expression of Intent]. This is an initiative to advance the methodological frontier of decarbonization modeling by addressing key knowledge gaps in complex interdependencies of decarbonization pathways, with an emphasis on yielding actionable insights for policy and technology deployment strategies.
National Institutes of Health
First due date. This program supports exploratory and innovative research projects, which fall within the missions of the NINDS and NIMH.
Department of Energy
Pre-application due. DOE is accepting applications for the 2025 DOE Office of Science Early Career Research Program to support the research of outstanding scientists early in their careers.
National Science Foundation
Annual due date 3rd Thursday in February. Supports development of genomic tools or advance understanding of genome/complex multi-genic traits for improvement of predicting organism physical characteristics across diverse contexts.
Cognitive Science Society
[Nominations]. This prize is awarded annually to an individual or collaborative team making a significant contemporary contribution to the theoretical foundations of human cognition.

Rolling opportunities

Faculty funding opportunities with no set deadline. You can also view a full, filterable list of funding opportunities for faculty, postdocs, and graduate students.

The Longevity Science Foundation (LSF)
Letter of Intent. The LSF may consider funding applications that do not align with the current grant call theme of female fertility and longevity, provided they focus on areas such as therapeutics, personalized medicine, AI, or preventive diagnostics. We encourage applicants with high-quality research proposals to apply.
Hop On A Cure
Letter of Intent. Hop On A Cure is dedicated to accelerating groundbreaking research aimed at preventing, reversing, and ultimately curing Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
Private Company (apply through Halo)
We are looking for research, tools, and methodologies to predict how bending, compression, and buckling of flat sheet materials can lead to specific 3D shapes.
Oregon Metals Initiative
Oregon Metals Initiative (OMI) provides 1:1 match for funding from eligible Oregon companies.
National Science Foundation
Supports international multilateral research partnerships that address urgent global challenges by leveraging diverse expertise from countries outside the U.S., focusing on advancing research and understanding of effective multilateral collaboration.
National Science Foundation
NSF continues to support fundamental science and engineering research with implications for women's health. This DCL reaffirms NSF's commitment to fund discovery, innovation, and research translation on topics of relevance to women's health, from the molecular to the ecosystem level, including input from the full range of science, engineering, and education that NSF supports.
Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation
This initiative aims to leverage the diverse strengths of our faculty to foster multidisciplinary research teams focused on marine innovation and technology to address pressing global challenges. All faculty are encouraged to collaborate and submit a proposal, with the requirement there be at least one investigator from two of the following colleges: CAS, COE and CEOAS.
This site includes postings for paid jobs, Postdoctoral Fellowships, etc from all over the country.
National Science Foundation
NSF seeks to catalyze research that leverages the full diversity and complexity of life to focus attention on the discovery of molecular and evolutionary mechanisms that have permitted organisms, over millions of years of evolution, to innovate and thrive, often in hostile and changing environments.