Our networking and professional development series brings new faculty together with trainers, speakers and representatives from different areas on campus to provide resources and training on a variety of topics, including research grants and awards, diversity and inclusion initiatives, information technology, college processes and procedures and university benefits.
New Faculty Networking and Professional Development Series
AY 2023-2024
New Faculty Networking and Professional Development Series
AY 2023-2024
All sessions are intended for faculty, including tenure track, instructors and research faculty, as well as postdoctoral scholars. Session materials can be downloaded after logging into Sharepoint.
Welcome to College of Science
Topic: Intro to the College of Science Teams
With: Vrushali Bokil, Associate Dean - Graduate Studies and Research
Download: Session 1 Welcome.pdf (3.08 MB)
University Information and Technology
Topic: Introduction to IT and resources
With: Andrew Wheeler, Director of Customer Experience, University Information and Technology
Download: Session 2 IT.pdf (5.12 MB)
Research Development Unit
Topic: Introduction to the RDU Team, resources and opportunities
With: RDU team Vrushali Bokil, Bettye Maddux, Trenea Moore, Jeff Hare and Misty Ayim
Download: Session 3 RDU.pdf (3.33 MB)
Science Success Center
Topic: Introduction to the SSC Team
With: SSC Team Jessica Siegel, Gabs James, Kris Gage, Jennifer Olarra, Devon Quick and Rachel Palmer
Download: Session 4 SSC.pdf (2.23 MB)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Topic: Introduction to DEI
With: Kameron Kadooka, COS Director of Equity, Access and Inclusion
Download: Session 5 DEI.pdf (439.37 KB)
Employee Benefits
Topic: Introduction to OSU Benefits and Resources
With: Jennifer Hill, HR Operations and Strategic Management
Download: Session 6 OSU Benefits.pdf (99.39 KB)
Graduate School
With: Steph Bernell, Associate Dean of the Graduate School
Download: Session 7 Grad. School.pdf (401.6 KB)
Check-in with the Dean #1
Topic: Informal check-in with Dean Feingold for questions and/or concerns
Center for Teaching and Learning
Topic: Introduction to accessing resources provided by CTL
With: Regan Gurung, Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning
Download: Session 9 CTL.pdf (34.24 KB)
Faculty Affairs
Topic: Introduction to Faculty Affairs
With: Gloria Crisp, Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Download: Session 10 Faculty Affairs.pdf (47.03 KB)
Research and Innovation
Topic: Introduction to Research and Innovation
With: Julie Risien, Director, Transdisciplinary Research Impact and Advancement and Anthony Koppers, Associate Vice President for Research Advancement and Strategy
Download: Session 11 R&I.pdf (51.23 KB)
Check-in with the Dean #2
Informal check-in with Dean Feingold