The College of Science Internal Research Funding Program comprises several internal funding opportunities to support the research and infrastructure needs of college of science faculty. The overarching aim of this program is to increase the number of proposals submitted to external funding agencies (state, federal, foundations and other) to increase extramural funding awarded to, and the research stature of the College of Science. We aim to do this in ways that are equitable, inclusive and provide access to diverse members of our community.
Internal Research Funding Program
SciRIS program
The College of Science Research and Innovation Seed (SciRIS) Program funds projects based on collaborative and individual research involving the College community and beyond.
Collaborative proposals
The SciRIS (Stages 1-3) program awards seed funding for high impact collaborative proposals that build teams, pursue fundamental discoveries, and create societal impact.
Deadlines: Spring and Fall
Individual proposals
The SciRIS Individual Investigator (SciRIS-ii) program awards seed funding to establish partnerships, accelerate project development, generate data and manuscripts, and foster proposal submissions. This program provides funds to establish partnerships, accelerate project development, generate data and manuscripts, and foster proposal submissions.
Deadline: extended to November 22, 2024
Other college funds
Disease Mechanism and Prevention Fund
Provided by a generous gift from David and Donna Gould to establish the College of Science, the Disease Mechanism and Prevention Fund (DMPF) is to be used for the support of research into the mechanism, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of (human) disease by faculty within the College of Science.
Deadline: extended to November 22, 2024
College of Science Industry Partnership Award
The College of Science Industry Partnership Award provides critical resources for projects that take a new direction, utilize a new technology or are in the “proof-of-concept” phase.
Deadline: extended to November 22, 2024
Research Equipment Reserve Fund cost matching
The College of Science provides cost matches for RERF proposal submissions. Please contact [email protected] to submit an internal cost match request.
Research Office Funding
The OSU Research Bridge Funding Pool seeks to assist faculty who are between externally funded research grants. A principal investigator is responsible for applying to the Research Office if they are seeking financial support from this pool. PIs will need to demonstrate a record of sponsored research awards and expenditures, define the critical bridging needed, describe the plan and timeline for securing new external funding, and secure the approval of their department and college leadership. Awards from the pool will be made through a review process managed by the Research Office.