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Research Events

Research Events

Upcoming conferences, workshops, seminars, events or other funding related dates.

- Hallie Ford Center Room 115 and Zoom
Career Researchers, Faculty, Postdocs, Graduate Students

The College of Health research seminar speaker Diana Rohlman, Associate Professor, Senior Research in the Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology will highlight her research on conducting exposure studies and reporting the research results to study participants and their communities. The report-back of research results is ethically supported, yet limited guidance is available on effective strategies. This will be in person or available via zoom at this link.

- Virtual
Career Researchers, Faculty

The Division of Research and Innovation and the Office of Institutional Diversity are hosting two information sessions for principal investigators regarding changes on the federal research landscape. At these sessions, we will provide a brief overview of the university’s work to date, and then we would like to learn about impacts or concerns regarding your research resulting from recent changes at federal agencies. While we may not have all the answers in a fast changing environment, we want to share what we know and listen and learn from you to inform our next steps, the development of further guidance and future communications.

- KEC 1001
Career Researchers, Faculty, Postdocs, Graduate Students

OSU’s Clean Water Initiative and CEOAS Hydrogeology jointly invite you to an ignite-type session on Clean and Smart Water, encouraging everyone who is interested in the intersection of clean water, AI/ML, sensors, etc. to join us on Feb 17 at 4-6 PM. The session will be held in Kelley Engineering Center (KEC) 1001 with a reception to follow in KEC 1005. By January 27: register to present or RSVP to attend

- Webinar

The Division of Research and Innovation and Research Council are now accepting requests for competitive Research Equipment Reserve Funds (RERF) applications to purchase capital equipment, through Friday, March 28. Join the Office for Research Advancement for an information session that will outline this internal funding opportunity and answer questions on crafting a competitive proposal. Feb. 20, 11 a.m. to noon on Zoom. Register here.

- Virtual
Career Researchers, Faculty

We would like to hear from the OSU research community about recent impacts or concerns with your research from recent federal administration changes and executive orders (EOs). While we may not have all the answers in a fast changing environment, we want to listen and learn from you. Capacity for these sessions is limited, but we will be monitoring the waitlist and will add additional sessions as needed. We hope you are able to join us.