To articulate our story and build on our positioning, we must define and prioritize the college's messages. Our key messages are organized in a hierarchy through attribute and benefit mapping.
Our Messaging

What we offer. An attribute is what we offer to our audiences. Attributes include the products, services, knowledge and unique offers that we bring to the table.
What they get. A benefit is what our audiences get. It's the value of the attributes that we offer, the answer to the question "so what?" or "why do we care?"
Core message
The most concise articulation of our role in the world.
Message map
As an extension of the university's messaging map and the four pillars of the brand story, our message map expands on the attributes and benefits that are specific to the College of Science. It organizes our strengths and aligns them with the pillars of the master brand—leadership, role, collaboration and attitude—illustrating the specific way that the college delivers on these pillars.
Our personality
Our personality sets the tone for how we communicate. These traits drive the voice and image for all of the College's communications. We share some of our personality traits with the Oregon State master brand, but have a reserved subset that apply specifically to the College of Science. Depending on the intention and audience of a given communication, we can lead with a collection of traits that best represents the tone and voice we want to convey.
Oregon State University masterbrand
Confident positive and unshakable, open to every possibility.
Collaborative we're better together.
Visionary creatively leading the way, taking on issues.
Conscientious aware, with integrity and conviction.
Welcoming friendly, open to all, and enriched by difference.
College of Science
Determined leaders making ground-breaking and lasting contributions for a sustainable, healthy future.
Spirit of curiosity driving us to pursue new knowledge with passion and purpose.