Planning Proposals for Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST Centers) in Chemistry Research
Planning Proposals for Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST Centers) in Chemistry Research
Proposals must be prepared in accordance with the guidance for Planning Proposals specified in Chapter II.F.1 of the NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) and submitted through Proposers should select the current PAPPG as the funding opportunity and direct proposals to EDU/EES/Centers for Rsch Excell in S&T.
Interested proposers should follow this guidance closely:
- The proposal must include a clear statement as to why this project is appropriate for a planning proposal, including how the funds will be used to formulate a sound approach for future submission of a CREST center proposal.
- The proposal must explain how a competitive research center will be created and sustained.
- The proposed research should be aligned with research supported by the Division of Chemistry. The PIs are encouraged to outline a vision that simultaneously promotes inclusiveness and research excellence in Chemistry.
- The Principal Investigator (PI) must hold a faculty appointment at an eligible MSI that awards degrees in chemistry and must be eligible to submit a future CREST center proposal as defined in the recent CREST Centers solicitation.
- The budget may be up to $100,000/year (including indirect costs) and up to two years in duration.
Prospective PIs must send an initial concept outline (no more than one page) by email no later than March 1, 2024, to one of the Program Officers listed below to verify that the proposal topic fits with the research areas of the Division of Chemistry. An invitation from at least one NSF Program Officer to submit a full planning proposal must be uploaded by the PI in the “Program Officer Concurrence Email" section in Planning proposals submitted in response to this DCL for consideration in FY 2024 are welcome through May 1, 2024, but earlier submission is strongly encouraged.
Please contact the following Program Officers for concept outline submission or any questions regarding this DCL:
- Samy El-Shall (MPS-CHE), [email protected]
- Anne-Marie Schmoltner (MPS-CHE), [email protected]
- Luis Cubano (EDU-EES), [email protected]
- Sonal Dekhane (EDU-EES), [email protected]