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Research Events

Research Events

Upcoming conferences, workshops, seminars, events or other funding related dates.

- Webinar

The NIH Institutional National Research Service Award (NRSA) Training Grant Program application is undergoing changes that take effect for submissions due on or after January 25, 2025. These modifications impact the PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan Form (the Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity will become its own attachment instead of part of the 25-page program plan) and the NRSA Training Tables (NIH is updating the NRSA Data Tables to reduce burden on the research community).

- Virtual

The Colleges of Forestry, Agriculture and Science are teaming up to bring a professional grant writing workshop to the OSU community. “Write Winning Grant Proposals” will be held virtually June 17 and 18th, 2024 from 8:30am to noon followed by an additional virtual half-day, Jun 20, 2024, 8:30 to noon training, “Write Winning NSF CAREER Award Proposals". The College of Engineering is offering the same training, “ Write Winning Grant Proposals”, in-person for one full day Oct 15, 2024 followed by half-day Oct 16th 2024 in-person, “Write Winning NSF CAREER Award Proposals". The sessions are available to tenure-track academic faculty and to non-tenure-track research faculty in any College or unit for maximum flexibility. However, please attend your own College’s session if you can. Check your eligibility to apply for NSF CAREER awards here. There is an $80 fee to cover materials.

- Zoom

SFARI will hold an informational session about the Linking Early Neurodevelopment to Neural Circuit Outcomes request for applications(RFA). Interested applicants can register here.

- Rockville, MD

The workshop will be held in-person at the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. Some of the key research areas for materials AI include: developing well-curated and diverse datasets, choosing effective representations for materials, inverse materials design, integrating autonomous experiments and theory, merging physics-based models with AI models, and choosing appropriate algorithms/work-flows. Lastly, uncertainty quantification in AI-based predictions for material properties and issues related to building infrastructure for disseminating AI knowledge are of immense importance for making AI- based materials investigation successful. To make the workshop as effective as possible we plan to largely but not exclusively focus on inorganic solid-state materials. Registration will be required to attend to cover the cost of lunch and AM break for each day. If registered participants are interested in presenting a poster, please send name, affiliation, title and abstract to, no later than 5/31/2024. Last day to book hotel: July 8, 2024