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Artificial Intelligence for Materials Science Workshop

Artificial Intelligence for Materials Science Workshop

The workshop will be held in-person at the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. Some of the key research areas for materials AI include: developing well-curated and diverse datasets, choosing effective representations for materials, inverse materials design, integrating autonomous experiments and theory, merging physics-based models with AI models, and choosing appropriate algorithms/work-flows. Lastly, uncertainty quantification in AI-based predictions for material properties and issues related to building infrastructure for disseminating AI knowledge are of immense importance for making AI- based materials investigation successful. To make the workshop as effective as possible we plan to largely but not exclusively focus on inorganic solid-state materials. Registration will be required to attend to cover the cost of lunch and AM break for each day. If registered participants are interested in presenting a poster, please send name, affiliation, title and abstract to, no later than 5/31/2024. Last day to book hotel: July 8, 2024

July 17 - 18
Rockville, MD