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F.A. Gilfillan Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Science

F.A. Gilfillan Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Science

The purpose of the award is to recognize distinguished scholarship in science by honoring a faculty member in the College of Science whose scholarship and scientific accomplishments have extended over a substantial period of time.

Special consideration is given to candidates with research careers that have had a significant impact on his or her field. The award and public lecture represent a modest way of recognizing annually distinguished scholarship carried out by the College of Science faculty.

Award: $1,500

View previous award winners

Selection Criteria

Nominations will be reviewed based on the following areas:

  • Distinguished Scholarship in Science as evidenced by numerous honors and awards; scholarship has been featured in important (to the field or Science) venues; nominee has built an inclusive research community which includes mentoring of diverse students and postdocs; nominee has worked to reduce barriers in research to the recruitment & success of underrepresented (URM) groups; or similar examples.
  • Significant Impact on nominee’s field as evidenced by significant publications; significant grant funding record; significant number of patents & inventions; research has strong and significant societal impact; scholarship has strong standing in basic research in Science; or similar examples.
  • Accomplishments over a substantial amount of time as evidenced by growing numbers of high quality publications over 10+ years; increased funding impacting a growing research group over 10+ years; growing impact in innovations and discoveries; mentored a diverse set of students in research over 10+ years; or similar examples.
  • Equity Impact as evidenced by examples of how the nominee promotes equity, inclusivity, and access. Provide examples.

Nomination Guidelines

  • Nomination letter (750 words or fewer) on letterhead
  • Biographical sketch (2 pages with content that supports award)
  • List of Nominee’s most significant publications (20 maximum)
  • Support letters, one or two (2 pages or less); writers should be external to OSU
  • Submit one compiled pdf to [email protected]

Nominations that do not meet the guidelines will be returned to the nominator without review.