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Gender Equity in Leadership Fund

Gender Equity in Leadership Fund

The College of Science Gender Equity in Leadership fund provides funds for proposals that support and advance the careers of female faculty in the College of Science.

The COVID-19 Pandemic highlighted for all of us that individuals who previously or currently identify as a woman disproportionately shoulder the impacts of societal challenges. In science, studies have shown that individuals who previously or currently identify as women have their contributions frequently devalued, which results in only 30% of researchers and educators identifying as women and a lack of representation in prestigious academic appointments, including distinguished professorships or named chairs.

The College of Science supports and values the current and future leadership of individuals who previously or currently identify as women. We believe that diverse leadership is an integral part of how we move towards a more equitable and inclusive COS. We also believe that leadership need not be positional leadership but comes in many forms from leading large groups of student, staff and faculty researchers to leading student organizations, community or professional organizations, to fostering organizational change.

Any faculty member in the College of Science can submit a proposal. We strongly encourage multi-PI and collaborative proposals. This award will provide accepted proposals with a $3000 stipend to develop projects related to the mission of the college while enhancing and building leadership skills and opportunities for faculty members who previously or currently identify as women in the COS. Awardees will also be required to provide a thank you note to donors of this fund and a final report to the Director for Equity, Access and Inclusion.

View previous award winners

Fund objectives

  • Enhancing and building leadership skills and opportunities for faculty members who previously or currently identify as women in COS.
  • Developing projects with deliverables that map to the college’s diversity action plan and/or the college’s new strategic plan.


The COS Gender Equity in Leadership Fund will give a $3,000 award to be used for project related expenses such as:

  • Program (workshop/conference) registrations
  • Travel costs
  • Childcare during programming
  • Supplies and materials (books, reports, software, etc)
  • Student support

Application materials

  • CV (3 pages max)
  • Personal statement on Inclusive Excellence (~200 words)
  • Proposal (~1 page)
    • Description of proposed activities and how it will support the objective of the fund stated above
    • Preliminary budget (cost sharing is welcomed but not required; funds cannot be used for faculty stipend)
    • Identification of DAP and Strategic Plan goals and actions to be achieved
  • Brief endorsement from unit
  • Submit all materials as one pdf to Kameron Kadooka ([email protected])


  • Any College of Science faculty (tenure/tenure track, non-tenure track, instructor and professional faculty) can submit a proposal.

Connection to our strategic plans

2022-2027 College of Science Strategic Plan

  • Action 1.1: Build leadership capacity to carry out the COS and OSU mission as a land grant university.

2021-2024 College of Science Diversity Action Plan

  • Goal 2.4: Improve advising pathways and mentoring relationships.
  • Goal 3.3: Promote learning opportunities around intersectional issues.