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The Fred Horne Award for Excellence in Teaching Science

The Fred Horne Award for Excellence in Teaching Science

The purpose of the award is to recognize sustained excellence in teaching science by honoring a faculty member in the College of Science who has repeatedly demonstrated exceptional instructional qualities and has had a significant impact on students over a period of not less than five years. The winner of the award is announced in the Winter. This started in the 2014-2015 academic year. Before that time all award winners were announced in Fall.

Award: $1500 and a wall plaque

View previous award winners


All College of Science faculty who teach students are eligible to be nominated for this award.

Selection criteria

Nominees will be evaluated based on the following criteria using an evaluation rubric by the Associate Dean of Student and Academic Affairs and two additional independent evaluators:

  • Demonstration of sustained excellence in teaching science and exceptional instructional qualities
  • Demonstration that teaching has had a significant impact on students
  • Teaching excellence has extended over 5 or more years
  • Impact on equity in teaching


Nominations can be submitted by anyone to the Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs in the College of Science. Nominations should clearly identify the quality and continuity of the nominee's instructional achievements and the period over which they extend. Previous nominations will be accepted for consideration for a 3-year period, with up-to-date material added by the deadline.

Nominations should be submitted via email to the Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs (Jessica Siegel, [email protected]) with the following materials:

  1. A nomination cover letter from the nominator
  2. A complete current curriculum vitae, with special attention to instructional activities and achievements.
  3. Three current letters from students and colleagues that provide evidence of the degree to which the candidate's instructional achievements over a sustained period are regarded as truly exceptional and the extent to which the candidate has had an impact on student learning.