Demystifying the Academic Research Enterprise: Becoming a Successful Scholar in a Complex and Competitive Environment, by Kelvin K. Droegemeier
Demystifying the Academic Research Enterprise: Becoming a Successful Scholar in a Complex and Competitive Environment, by Kelvin K. Droegemeier
From the associated Facilitator Guide: The book is an educational resource that teaches next-generation researchers—across all disciplines and types of institutions—about the vast array of topics one needs to master in order to be successful, in addition to the formal expertise required in a given discipline or disciplines. This includes but is not limited to the value, necessity and types of research and creative activity; public attitudes toward scholarly work and associated outcomes; priority setting within funding sources; formulating ideas and identifying funding; research methods; collecting data or materials; writing competitive grant proposals; publishing and communicating outcomes; understanding and following ethical rules of conduct; navigating the labyrinth of intellectual property (IP) and compliance regulations; multidisciplinary inquiry; using research outcomes in policy; collaboration and working in teams; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and the future of research.
Open Access version (series of several pdfs)
Federal Demonstration Partnership (recording, slides of book discussion)