Trying to decide between using a patent or trade secret to create a barrier against competition? Should you use both? Do you want to patent your technology but don’t know where to start? Interested in learning how to successfully grow your company and revenues when your product started as open-…
Concept paper. The sponsor is seeking innovative technologies to advance cellulose-based packaging by combining high barrier performance, recyclability, and a minimized carbon footprint.
The goal of this program is to facilitate a timely transition of talented postdoctoral researchers with a research and/or clinical doctorate degree from mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions.
This predoctoral fellowship program supports research training of promising predoctoral candidates from diverse backgrounds and emphasizes the development of translational research skills and their application to various aspects of AD/ADRD research (from populations studies to research that can lead to new treatments and diagnostics, including all aspects of behavioral and social research).
Letter of Intent. The LSF may consider funding applications that do not align with the current grant call theme of female fertility and longevity, provided they focus on areas such as therapeutics, personalized medicine, AI, or preventive diagnostics. We encourage applicants with high-quality research proposals to apply.
Letter of Intent. Hop On A Cure is dedicated to accelerating groundbreaking research aimed at preventing, reversing, and ultimately curing Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
We are looking for research, tools, and methodologies to predict how bending, compression, and buckling of flat sheet materials can lead to specific 3D shapes.
Jesse M. Bell Memorial Graduate Student Loan Program provides loans for meritorious graduate students. These non-need-based loans are available on a one-time basis to domestic and international enrolled graduate students to assist with educational expenses associated with their advanced degree.