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AI for Information Security

AI for Information Security

Funding Agency
Funding Type
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

AWS is committed to helping customers achieve the highest levels of security in the cloud. Our security services use cutting-edge machine learning (ML) algorithms to improve the security posture of AWS accounts. We aim to continue advancing possible solutions for some of the most challenging problems in information security. We are seeking to fund machine learning research on the following topics in information security:

1. Threat, intrusion, and anomaly detection for cloud security
2. Generative AI and foundation models for information security
3. Graph modeling and anomaly detection on graphs
4. Learning with limited/noisy labels and weakly supervised learning
5. ML for malware analysis and detection
6. Finding security vulnerabilities using ML
7. Causal inference for information security
8. Zero/one-shot learning for information security
9. Reinforcement learning for information security
10. Protecting and preserving data privacy in the cloud
11. Securing generative AI and foundation models

Selected Principal Investigators (PIs) may receive the following:

1. Unrestricted funds, no more than $80,000 USD on average
2. AWS Promotional Credits, no more than $40,000 USD on average

Awards are structured as one-year unrestricted gifts. The budget should include a list of expected costs specified in USD, and should not include administrative overhead costs. The final award amount will be determined by the awards panel.