LLNL, Hertz Foundation Partner to Support Scientific Entrepreneurship
LLNL, Hertz Foundation Partner to Support Scientific Entrepreneurship
A new collaboration between the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) enables up to three Hertz Fellows a year to attend LLNL’s annual National Labs Entrepreneurship Academy. The National Labs Entrepreneurship Academy is an intensive four-day commercialization program that gives researchers the tools to transfer their research and technologies out of the lab. Attendees hear lectures from experts in the technology development space and participate in hands-on exercises to craft and pitch their own commercialization ideas. The academy was originally developed for scientists who work at LLNL and Sandia National Laboratories. LLNL’s long-time partner UC Davis Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship develops and presents the curriculum. Applications for Hertz Fellows to attend the 2025 National Labs Entrepreneurship Academy will open in Fall 2024.