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Registration: Ignite session on Clean and Smart Water

Registration: Ignite session on Clean and Smart Water

OSU’s Clean Water Initiative and CEOAS Hydrogeology jointly invite you to an ignite-type session on Clean and Smart Water, encouraging everyone who is interested in the intersection of clean water, AI/ML, sensors, etc. to join us on Feb 17 at 4-6 PM. Sparked by conversations of harnessing water strengths at OSU in developing solutions to the world’s pressing water scarcity, quantity and quality problems, the goal of this ignite session is to connect researchers from the College of Engineering, College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, College of Agricultural Sciences, and College of Science, and begin to identify teams that can spark ideas for larger-scale proposals in the topic area of Clean and Smart Water. We invite individuals or teams of researchers to give short presentations that highlight the opportunity for new research collaborations between CEOAS, CAS, COS, and COE that address some of humanity’s biggest challenges around water access, quantity, and quality. Learn more here on how to present and attend. By January 27th: register to present or RSVP to attend

4-6 PM on 2/17/25
Kelley Engineering Center (KEC) 1001